Fill Fridge

Fill Fridge - A Fun and Challenging Puzzle Game

Welcome to Fill Fridge, the ultimate puzzle game that will test your organizational skills and spatial awareness. In this exciting game, your goal is to put all the food items in the refrigerator perfectly, ensuring that they fit neatly and efficiently.

Fill Fridge offers a wide range of levels, each with its own unique challenges. From simple refrigerators with a few shelves to massive walk-in coolers, you'll need to use your problem-solving skills to find the best way to arrange the food. As you progress through the levels, you'll encounter different types of food items, each with its own shape and size. You'll need to carefully consider the dimensions of each item and how it will fit with the others to create a perfectly organized refrigerator.

How to Play Fill Fridge

Playing Fill Fridge is easy to learn but challenging to master. Here's how to get started:

  1. Drag and drop the food items: Simply click and drag the food items from the bottom of the screen to the refrigerator shelves. You can also use the arrow keys to move the items.
  2. Rotate the food items: Some food items can be rotated to fit better on the shelves. To rotate an item, simply click on it and then click on the rotate button that appears.
  3. Zoom in and out: You can zoom in and out of the refrigerator to get a better view of the shelves and food items. To zoom in, use the mouse wheel or the + button. To zoom out, use the - button.
  4. Complete the level: Once you have arranged all the food items perfectly, the level will be completed and you'll move on to the next one.

Tips and Tricks for Fill Fridge

Here are a few tips and tricks to help you succeed in Fill Fridge:

  • Start with the largest items: Place the largest food items on the shelves first, as they will take up the most space. This will make it easier to fit the smaller items around them.
  • Use the corners: The corners of the shelves are often underutilized. Don't be afraid to place food items in the corners to make the most of the available space.
  • Rotate the items: Rotating the food items can help you fit them better on the shelves. Experiment with different rotations to find the best way to arrange the items.
  • Take your time: Fill Fridge is a puzzle game, so there's no need to rush. Take your time and carefully consider each move before you make it. The more time you take, the better your chances of creating a perfectly organized refrigerator.


Fill Fridge is a fun and challenging puzzle game that will provide hours of entertainment. With its simple yet addictive gameplay, Fill Fridge is perfect for players of all ages. So what are you waiting for? Start playing Fill Fridge today and see how well you can organize your refrigerator!

Don't forget to share your high scores with your friends and challenge them to beat you. Happy gaming!

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